If you know me, you know I am such a words of affirmations girl. Affirmations for me, are faith in action. I am also a maximalist. Maximalism is described as an aesthetic of excess or in other words, extra! As I am transitioning into a new era, I am leaning into what it looks like and means for me to maximize my life!
Before we head into the responsibilities of our day-to-day, let's take some deep breaths. With each day we have, we are able to walk into new adventures, new opportunities, and are able to learn or unlearn things. Let's take a moment to breathe, and to do so deeply.
Now, read these affirmations out loud, write them down, post them where you can see them, and maximize this next era!
Here are Affirmations to Maximize Your Life! ✨
I am taking up space.
I am believing bigger.
I am intentional about creating the life I love.
I will celebrate the wins along the way.
I am open to the shift.
I am dreaming bigger.
I am prepared.
I will keep moving forward, even when I have setbacks.
I have permission to be who I am destined to be.
I am maximizing my purpose, my potential, my relationships, and my resources.
Maximize this week, sis! ✨
